Raptor Education Group

Group size: Over 10 people in attendance

Duration: 60mins-5hrs* see below)

Animal Ambassadors: Up to 3 Falconry Birds of Prey—Hawk, Falcon, Owl. Contract obligation is at the discretion of the Owner/Falconer—The birds are treated as sentient beings that can have an off day too. These birds are not pets or performers. They are rescued and rehabilitated animals that are non-releasable.

Approved State and Federal Permits are required and held by the Owner to use these animals on behalf of the Migratory Bird Act for Educational Special Purposes.

* PROGRAM COST:  $200 per hour, $50 each additional hour. NOT TO EXCEED A 5 HOUR DAILY EVENT($400)

*Travel Cost: Free less than 30miles from FARE address. Over 30miles: $0.65/per mile by federal rate. Out-of-state: $0.65/per mile + vet health certificate for state import laws.

Call, text or email for availability and scheduling.